For the Pampered Pet: CinePetLounger


Cinema Pet Lounger

Your pet is a member of the family. So what are they supposed to do when everyone is in the home theater enjoying a movie? Problem solved!

That’s where the CinePetLounger (starting at $1,695 for velvet; $1,995 for leather) comes in.

The custom canine couch is made by First Impressions Theme Theatres Inc. and complements the style, color and detailing of the company’s most popular home theater chair, the CineLounger. It lets your furry loved one enjoy the flick right along with the rest of the family. The doggie sofa includes in-arm storage for treats and a stainless-steel holder for a water bowl or a tub of pupcorn.

“Sometimes kids will crawl into the chair to watch a movie or use it as an extra bed for a sleepover,” says owner Jeff Smith.

Even cats love the one-size-fits-all couch (54 inches long, 30 inches deep.)

Cinema Pet Lounger 2


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