Chances are you know the name Donna Karan. We’re guessing you’ve also heard of the brand DKNY. The name Donna Karan is iconic in the fashion industry. You might even be lucky enough to own a piece or two of Donna Karan or DKNY clothing. Now, you can find out who the woman is behind this giant name and what it takes to create a brand.
My Journey is Donna Karan’s incredible, real, honest and open memoir. Karan reveals aspects of her life that others might not tell and she starts from the beginning of her life and ends with where she is at today. For Karan, nothing is off limits–her family, her trials and tribulations in the fashion industry, her friendships and her love life–it’s all in the book. We finished this book wondering how Donna had the stamina to work (for what seems like) one thousand hours a week. Seriously, if nothing else, you will walk away with extreme respect for Karan’s work ethic. But, she’s not all work. Karan found plenty of time to play–and boy, did she ever! From her juicy love life to stories about her bestie, Barbra Streisand
, I was entertained from one adventure to the next.